Download Pro Bass Fishing.Free download bass fishing games for pc full version

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I love fishing. As a small boy I spent time with a cane pole along the side of the Mississippi River in Louisiana. There\’s something about sitting around waiting for the red and white bobber to disappear in advance of a five minute battle with a catfish.

You seem to forget the hour or two spent watching the bobber before all of this excitement happens. Plus, you\’re usually eating or reading a book, so it\’s a nice way to spend an early morning or early evening. This is where I first grew to love the sea. This love for the sea became a desire to become an officer in the US Navy. Later in life I lived off of the shore of the Atlantic Ocean in North Carolina and was introduced to pier and surf fishing.

My buddies and I would head for the pier early in the morning with all of the carbonated necessities of adult life, and spend the day relaxing, telling jokes, and catching a fish every now and then. The center event was the act of fishing, but there were all sorts of social interactions wrapped around it. The PC sports hunting and fishing phenomenon is very popular if you wish to judge its popularity by sales numbers.

There are a number of reasons why many of the PC gaming pundits are scratching their heads as they ponder why these games are so attractive to so many consumers. The first odd thing about this genre is that while I do love fishing, much of the enjoyment is found in the types of social interaction I describe in my first paragraph.

Certainly there are professionals who actually compete and make money at this sport, but few people grow up aspiring to be the highest paid sports fisherman fisherperson? The second odd thing is that these games usually do not contain state of the art graphics, yet you rarely read complaints from the masses. The third odd thing is that these games are usually priced to move. The downturn in PC sports game prices can likely be traced to the popularity of the cheaply priced Deer Hunter series of games.

Championship Bass is an interesting title because it attempts to provide what one expects in hunting and fishing games but it adds a bit more depth and complexity than can be found in other such products. In an effort to set itself apart from the pack, EA Sports adds a season option to this genre that adds a new twist to your regular fishing game.

There are two central questions that must be answered in the affirmative if you are trying to decide whether or not to purchase Championship Bass.

The first question is: Does this title simulate fishing in an acceptable manner? The second question is: Where is the fun in Championship Bass? If fishing is modeled correctly and the title is fun, then I would have no problems recommending that you purchase Championship Bass.

Unfortunately, I think that while EA Sports does make some improvements in the fishing game genre, I\’m still left scratching my head as I ponder who exactly would purchase a game like this? Championship Bass is a fishing game that provides different venues for your entertainment. You can simply go on a fishing trip, play in a tournament, start a season in the Bass Challenge, or fish against other players on cyber lakes through the internet. You get to test your fishing skills on six lakes that simulate America\’s top tournament bass lakes.

Buggs, Lanier, Mead, Rayburn, Table Rock, and Toho are included and if you recognize these as fine fishing lakes, then you are playing the right game. The lakes come complete with docks, bridges, submerged trees, cattails, and other areas where fish like to gather. You are presented with a map of a lake and you can choose where to initially begin your fishing experience. Documentation included with the game is pretty sparse, but not unlike that found in other EA Sports titles. The manual is only 17 pages long and describes the game\’s basic functions.

It even gives you basic tips about how to catch fish. There isn\’t a whole lot of game play complexity in terms of the mechanics of how to play the game , so the manual length seemed appropriate. An in-program Pro Tips section helps with the finer points of fishing. What I liked about this section is that it was very easy to navigate through, explained what you needed to know, and could be accessed right in the game where you needed it the most.

You could know nothing about fishing and become pretty good at Championship Bass by following the advice in this section.

Pro Tips plus the manual make a nice information combination and explained all of the questions that I had about the game. The interface is pretty intuitive and easy to use. An indicator marks the point on the lake where your line will enter the water and all you need to cast is to hit the appropriate controller button. Buttons on your controller control changing the drag on your reel and how you\’re reeling in your catch.

These changes can be made quickly and easily. Trying out different lures and lines is accomplished on the main interface window and most items can be changed with one or two mouse clicks.

You can choose between six different types of lures, seven types of worms, six colors, and four riggings. Rods are offered in the light, medium, and heavy weights and you can choose between 6 through 20 pound line. You control the movement of your boat on the main screen interface. You can also choose between fuel or electric engines and turn them on or off on the screen. Some folks may take an issue with how fishing is modeled in Championship Bass. You get to choose how you are displayed on the screen.

To fish, you place your entry cursor where you want to drop your lure in the water and simply hit the appropriate controller button. You then follow the activity surrounding your lure.

If it is the type that goes underwater, then the camera follows it underwater. If it is the type that stays on the surface, then the camera follows the lure as it floats. This means that you can see where the most fish are and how they are behaving to your lure. This is not very realistic. You also do not have the option of switching off this camera angle and you always have to follow your lure. You cannot, for example, stay at the boat with your fisherman persona. PC fishing game purists are there any?

The Bass Challenge and Tournament modes are what make Championship Bass a potentially interesting game. Bass Challenge involves fishing different lakes and winning these challenges based on the weight of the fish you catch within a certain time limit. This is sort of a season mode, but it is a season mode in a very arcade-like fashion. You win special lures, longer casts, and can catch special fish that give bonuses that will improve your chances in the next challenge round.

You must average finishing in the top three in each challenge for a lake in order to advance to the next lake. This seems very Rally Championship-like in its execution. One nice feature in the challenges is that you start on a prep lake that is essentially a tutorial. You are given very limited choices to start with and then you gain greater access to tackle box items as you complete each challenge.

Tournament mode lets you compete in a single timed competition on the lake of your choosing. The graphics and sound are a very mixed bag. The fish graphics are pretty nice. They move and behave like real fish.

You are limited to x resolution although you have the option of \”low\” verses \”high\” detail and distance. I couldn\’t find any explanation about what these settings actually do, but they seem to decrease the amount of above water detail and the number of fish you can see off in the distance. The shoreline looks fine from a distance. The water graphics look okay from afar, but once you move in closer to the water and shoreline you can see jagged edges and weird effects.

The underwater plant life looks the worst because if you move in closer you can actually make out the outline of a square used as the background to draw the picture. The voices in the game are fine and worked very smoothly.

The Pro Tips section talks to you and there is a commentator who lets you know when a fish strikes. The music is standard fare and there are pretty good ambient sounds. You have a number of multiplayer options and they are fairly easy to use. I tried to use the Internet connection through EA Sports. Logging into the multiplayer area is pretty simple and I had no difficulty connecting. The main problem is that there were no players lurking in the chat areas at PM on a Saturday. Maybe all of the fishing fans are out actually fishing, but you would expect more participation if the Internet mutliplayer feature is going to be popular.

EA Sports will probably dangle some sort of monetary competition enticement in the future to promote the multiplayer features, so I would bet that the site will eventually take off.

As I look around the room to make sure nobody is reading this as I type it, I kind of had fun with this game. Let\’s just keep this between us because the last thing you want to be tagged with is the \”hunting and fishing game lover\” label. There isn\’t much demand among reviewers to handle these types of games and editors salivate when they find someone that enjoys them. Maybe it was due to my very low expectations, but I found myself drawn into the constant casting and watching the fish look at my lure and then move off or strike.

Reeling in your catch took some effort and finesse because you had to watch the reel gauge in order to see how much stress you were placing on the line.

When the gauge turned red, you could snap the line if you didn\’t ease off or reduce the drag. You also had to set the hook when a fish struck your lure and if you didn\’t you would loose your fish. There\’s nothing more frustrating than watching a fish swim away.

The Challenge series made you think about how you were fishing because the goals usually required that you make some decision about which lure you would use, where you would fish, and so on. Screenshots from MobyGames. NoOne 1 point. Hoe the hell do I install this game.. Dev 0 point. Jeeper 0 point. Played this game for many years and I found the CD and Case tried to install it but unable to do so.


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Download Master Bass Angler: Free Fishing Game for PC.Download Championship Bass (Windows)


We hear you laughing, but this game is going to get you hooked on fishing. For sports-fishing fans, Bass Fishing\’s remarkable water effects and realistic environments make this game a no-brainer. It even comes bundled with a fishing controller that resembles an actual rod and reel. The underwater views were truly impressive. Even non-fishermen will love the intense action and the unique cast-and-reel gameplay enough to hook up with this title. Get your bass in gear for this game.

Virtual 3D fishing? Based on the arcade game? Has the world gone mad? You can play\’iq , tburoarnent, arcade, or\’practice rriode. There\’s a specially made fishing, condler foY the that enables. This game kicks bass! When a new system is released, you will usually find that all of the traditional genres are covered early on in the life of the new system — fighting, racing, and sports games.

Once the system is more established and the user base has grown, companies are usually more willing to release games that fit into a niche of gamers. It is for this reason that I was surprised to see Sega release Sega Bass Fishing so early in the life of the system.

I know that I personally enjoy fishing games but does the rest of the world? Sega Bass Fishing is an arcade port of a bass fishing game and the arcade influence really shows. You can play the arcade mode or enjoy a bass tournament and test your fishing skills against other anglers. There are four different fishing holes that you can fish and a ton of lures available. The action is always hot and heavy and purchasing the optional fishing controller is a must for this game.

Before we talk about the game, I want to talk about the optional fishing controller that is available. Unlike the PSX game Bass Landing , the fishing controller does not come packed in with the game so you will have to shell out the extra cash, but it is well worth the extra money.

The fishing controller will add to your experience like nothing else out there. The controller consists of an actual fishing reel, built in vibration and sensors that track the movement of the rod.

To cast you line, you just flick the controller in a casting motion and away it goes. The thing is sturdy and just feels natural. My only complaint with it is that the reeling action is a little lose.

It would have been a little better if there was a tension or drag setting that you could feel when reeling but this is just a minor point. So now that you have your virtual fishing rod plugged in, it is time to hit the game. Like I mentioned above, there are two modes of play. You can play the arcade mode, which is exactly as the name implies — the arcade mode. Since this game is an arcade port, you will play the same game that some poor sap is pumping quarters in down at the arcade.

If you are looking for some quick fishing action where the fish seem to be aggressive, the arcade mode is the place to go. Even though the fish are more aggressive, this mode is time based so you are allotted a certain amount of time to fulfill a predetermined amount of weight.

Catching one large fish or a number of small fish can fill this weight. The bottom line is that you just need to fulfill the quota before the time expires. To help you out, you are awarded extra time bonuses for catching bigger fish as well as a bonus for getting a fish to hit. All in all, the arcade mode is quick and easy and full of action. For the more serious anglers out there, you will want to play the tournament mode.

Like the arcade mode, you are racing against time but instead of a number counting down, you are racing against the clock. You will start out in one area in the early morning.

You will fish that area from to noon. You will then take a break and fish from to At the end of the day you will rank in to see how your total weight stacks up against the other people on the lake. It seemed like the fish were much more picky about what and when they would hit in this mode. I really had to find the correct lure for the conditions and have the patience. While this mode was much more of a simulation, it still lacked the depth to be called more than an advanced arcade mode.

I guess the best part of this game is that it is just fun to play. You can sit down for hours and reel in fish without going through the hassles of trolling around a lake and trying to find them. You basically have access to all of the hot fishing holes on the lake and you can crank in something within a couple of casts.

This makes for a great party game. We had everyone from my 4-year-old niece to year-old grandfather cranking in the fish; laughter and excitement filled the room. Once the party was over and everyone went home, the game really lacked the depth to motivate me to play. There are two main reasons for this. Number one is that, while being thrown right where the fish are has it\’s advantages when you want to show off the game or have some quick action, it really cheapens the experience if you want to get involved in the game and feel like you are really out there on the lake fishing.

You only have a single lake with four predetermined spots that you can fish at. It really does not leave any room for exploration and discovering your own secret spots. The second reason that I lost the motivation to play was that it was just way too easy to catch a fish.

Once I had them hooked, I basically just cranked them in. Sure, on the screen it looked like the fish was running and jumping but it never took out line or came unhooked. If I really tried, I could snap my line but even that was difficult. There were times where I would hook a 15 plus pound bass and it would take 15 seconds to bring it in. These should have been epic battles where at any point, I knew the line could break or the fish could come undone.

I just never got this feeling. Once again, this is why it makes for a good party game. You should think of this game as a trout farm. Someone takes you to the fish, baits the hook, and lets you crank in a fish that has no chance of getting away. I have played fishing games on the PC, N64, PSX and now Dreamcast and without a doubt, this game has the coolest, most realistic looking fish out of all of them.

The game runs in a beautiful high-resolution mode and just looks incredible. Before you cast, you see behind the fisherman but after you cast, the camera switches to an underwater view of your lure and the fish close by.

One of the coolest things you will ever see in a fishing game is when a huge bass swims directly towards your screen and opens its mouth and swallows the lure. Talk about awesome. There are occasional occurrence of slowdown that hamper the game but it never really gets to the point of interfering with the gameplay. If you are looking for a fun party type game, I suggest picking up a fishing controller along with this game.

You will have some good, quick fun. If you are looking for a deep, long lasting fishing experience, you will be disappointed. I do suggest at least a rental just to see the cool graphics and the fish alone are worth the five dollar rental fee.

Just don\’t expect any long fights, that is for sure. The sun rises across the lake; the fetid scent of bait wafts though the air. You eye up your competition: a motley gang of champion beer drinkers, underarm deodorant testers and male model rejects. The fishing derby is about to begin and all you can think about is — why am I fishing on my computer when I could be doing the real thing AND getting a tan God forbid, some exercise? Here\’s the overview of Sega Bass Fishing : catch fish.

If that overview makes you want to buy this game, then for heaven\’s sake, read this review first. Like its superior cousin, the whole appeal of Sega Bass Fishing in the arcade and on the Dreamcast was the use of a gaming peripheral, namely the digital fishing rod. Here, you use the keyboard and its unchangeable default settings. No vibration, no swinging your arms back and forth like the \”real\” version.

Nope, here ya just reel it in using the Q, W and E buttons and occasionally pressing the direction buttons when it\’s necessary. The gameplay can best be described as boring and uneventful. As you start, you can select the area you want to fish, then you can select the type of lure you want to use. Each lure has a specific action, which you control by doing the required movement. Some lures must constantly be reeled in while others bounce along the bottom of the lake.

Catching more and more fish will unlock other lures that you can play with. At the beginning of each stage you get a weight requirement of total fish caught, and you must catch that amount in the allotted time. Once you do, it opens up the next area. Ultimately you want to make it to the fourth hidden area where, rumor has it, the really big ones live.

My personal best: 20 lbs. Not bad for a bigmouth bass caught in my living room. While reeling in \”the big one,\” pay attention to the line strength gauge on the right of the screen. It tells you when to back off and not fight the fish so much; otherwise the line will snap and the fish will get away.


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